ViewSonic Implements Smart Learning Solutions at Ghaf Primary School (UAE)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ghaf Primary School (GPS) had to make a rapid shift to virtual classrooms while keeping in mind the needs of the children, their safety, and their education. To ensure continuity of education, they felt an urgent need to upgrade their teaching solutions to avoid any gaps that could potentially occur as a result of this shift. With every student learning from separate places, and teachers teaching lessons in class or from their homes, they were faced with the need for an effective collaborative solution.
The installation of ViewBoards and the myViewBoard suite enabled Ghaf Primary School (GPS) to rise to the challenges presented by the pandemic. The combination of hardware and software solutions provided by ViewSonic meant they were able to seamlessly shift to remote teaching, and then hybrid models of teaching to adapt to the situation at hand. Students' learning experiences were minimally impacted as they were able to engage in interactive activities delivered via the myViewBoard software suite from the safety of their homes, then later in hybrid classroom setups.
1. Interactive Lessons from Anywhere
ThemyViewBoardSuitehas allthe necessary tools for educatorsto prepare and present their lessons, and encourageseamless student participation -face-to-face, online, or simultaneously –reducing teacher workload with streamlined planning.
2. A Full Education Toolkit
The myViewBoard software suite is a comprehensive and interactive collaborative solution. It overcame the problems teachers faced with their previous software by delivering a comprehensive set of appsdesigned to facilitate teaching in remote, blended, and in-class configurations. This enabled them to maintain high-quality and engaging lessons.
Teachers have found that ViewSonic’s ViewBoards and themyViewBoard digitalsolutions have empowered them to cultivatea healthy, engaging, and tech-enabled learning environment.

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