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TOA Electronics, Inc USA - AMIO
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2-color On/Off LED Real-time Steering Array Microphone System

Model: AMIO

  • Detection of sound source location
  • Signal level of 8 individual microphone elements
  • AMIO GUI Parameter settings
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The AMIO is the latest in the AM-1 Real-time Steering Array Microphone System series. The AMIO adds contractor friendly features (phoenix connector and small form mic connector from mic unit), enhanced user experience (2-color on/off LED, improved on/off switch) and a new, specially designed low frequency circuit for clear, articulate sound. In addition, the special user-friendly iPad app allows the user to monitor live, status of the sound source tracking, and make real-time changes to setting parameters. Additionally, the AMIO has webpage access using a PC browser allowing for setting adjustments. With this technology, the presenter would no longer need to be "microphone-conscious" to get a uniform sound level while speaking and moving.

AMIO has special Mounting bracket MB-AM1B-Q(Black) and MB-AM1W-Q(White) if customer wants to install AMIO on ceiling. It provides easy and secure installaion of AMIO and be hiding hehind of AMIO microphone all of part. Exterior is better when you install to ceiling, table or kectern. Additionally, TOA has special pole HY-AM1B-Q(Black) and HY-AM-1W-Q(White) for AMIO which is using with MB-AM1B/W. If customer facility ceiling is so high or no doesn't have dropped ceiling, it is helping to install AMIO with new bracket. It is adjustable 180 degrees vertical and 360 degree horizontal to fit best angle.

  • Detection of sound source location
  • Signal level of 8 individual microphone elements
  • AMIO GUI Parameter settings
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